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Crime in the Community

submitted by Rosemary Winters State Executive Committeewoman, District 33 re-election candidate

There are many concerns that should be addressed concerning crime with our community. At the first District 33 Town Hall meeting organized by myself, elected officials, members of the community, and faith-based organizations addressed the following concerns: vandalism, car break-ins and carjackings, as well as gun violence.

Over the past 15 years there has been a noticeable increase in property vandalism. Examples include graffiti, trash dumping, and breaking windows. I asked the elected officials about their plan of action. One solution is to train and hire more police and sheriff deputies for an increased presence in the community. Additionally, the plan includes the installation of security cameras, and well-lit property recommendations. Of course, reporting is also important: if you see something, say something, and report it to the authorities or elected officials in District 33.

Next, car break-ins and carjackings are another major concern in the community. The solutions from the community are to remove your garage door openers as well as any noticeable items in your vehicle. Additionally, individuals should park in secure, highly-trafficked, well lit areas and make use of anti-theft devices.

Finally, gun violence has risen steadily in Shelby County among teens and young adults. During the panelist discussion, the elected officials and the community agreed we should improve our physical environment, strengthen anti-violence social norms and peer relationships, and engage and support youth in mentoring programs.

The community suggested that we need to reduce substance abuse by providing training on substance abuse throughout the community.

Furthermore, we need to take a neighborhood pulse check. For example, with the neighborhood holding elected officials accountable for checking and reducing gun violence.

In conclusion, all of these strategies can make drastic changes as we the people implement them together. As the State Executive Committeewoman for District 33, I will continue the process by communicating, working in my neighborhood, going door to door, sending emails, making phone calls, and holding town hall meetings quarterly. These are some of the solutions that will reduce the harmful effects that have plagued our community.

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